

What's New

Welcome to explore our new initiatives!

Our Vision and Mission

Translation of research into commercial viable outcomes and applications
Global leadership in AM Technologies
Awareness for our audience on adoption of AM Technologies
Businesses and catalyse ecosystem for growth of new businesses
Future AM Professionals for the future economy

Our Achievements

More than
Organisations Engaged
More than
Projects Initiated
More than
Projects Approved

Hear it from our Partners

“As one of the few countries in the world with a coordinated strategy to leverage Additive Manufacturing to transform emerging industries, Singapore is in a good position to harness the benefits of 3D printing to change, disrupt, and innovate manufacturing processes. I am very encouraged by NAMIC’s efforts to accelerate the adoption of 3D printing technology and address challenges companies face in implementing this technology.”

Ms Low Yen Ling
Minister of State, Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth & Ministry of Trade and Industry

“Since its inception, NAMIC has led efforts in enabling technology transfer from public sector R&D to industries, scaling the additive manufacturing ecosystem, orchestrating industry partnerships, and leading standards development. I am delighted to learn that NAMIC is working towards its next phase – NAMIC 2.0 – in 2022. NAMIC 2.0 will take on the mandate of coordinating public sector additive manufacturing research efforts to support Singapore’s economic transformation goals.”

Mr Alvin Tan
Minister of State, Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth & Ministry of Trade and Industry

“We launched Manufacturing 2030 last year, with the aim of increasing manufacturing value-add by 50% in 10 years. We have already made good progress. Last year, the sector grew very significantly by 13.2%, and received $8.5 billion in total Fixed Asset Investment, creating over 6,000 jobs when these projects are completed.

To make a further push towards our Manufacturing 2030 ambitions, we will redouble efforts to grow a vibrant core of Singapore Global Manufacturers that are deeply innovative and can deliver distinctive offerings to their customers. Our economic agencies will provide bespoke support for manufacturers with strong potential, to deepen their capabilities and expand their global reach.”

Article sources: [1] [2]

Mr Gan Kim Yong
Minister for Trade and Industry

“Pleasure being part of NAMIC’s Global AM Summit 2021! It’s always exciting to hear what the latest emerging applications in the AM space are. NAMIC continues to invite excellent speakers and I always find myself learning new things while moderating the sessions.”

Mr Aditya Chandavarkar
Co-founder, Indian 3D Printing Network

“The Global AM Summit 2020 was a well-produced high-quality event that brought together many leaders in the Additive Manufacturing industry. I really enjoyed being a part of the Global AM Summit 2020, it was a joy to watch and experience.

I felt that Global AM Summit 2020 really connected a global Additive Manufacturing audience while stimulating an open dialogue about the key themes and issues affecting our industry.”

Mr Joris Peels
Vice President of Consulting, SmarTech Analysis

“I really enjoyed being a part of such an amazing panel of innovators who are seeking to change how the world builds and to hear about the different approaches that we are all taking.

There were great questions from the audience that drove the conversation and seemed to indicate that they really appreciated what was shared. I hope to get to take part in future NAMIC events like this as they do a wonderful job of raising awareness of important cutting-edge technologies that have an opportunity to help the world move forward boldly into a regenerative future.”

Mr Sam Ruben
Chief Sustainability Officer & Co-Founder, Mighty Buildings